Senin, 07 Februari 2011

11 Most Influential People of the World's Technology Year 2011

Most people in the world's most influential politicians. But if in the field of technology, no one has ever given the title of most influential people in each end of the year. Here's 11 Most Influential People in the Year 2010 in the Field of Technology.

Jullian Assange

Here he is the founder of the most phenomenal website (WikiLeaks), namely Jullian Assange which I think he was reasonable and entitled to a nobel peace than Xiaobo and Barack Obama. He defended human rights and justice and truth by using technology that was popular in today's (internet). He used the internet in a positive way to defend the organization of human rights generally do not like the netter who always use the Internet for personal gain and fame even negative things, including me this. Hehehehe .... Initially he was a journalist but he is a hero even though he appears later he deserves to be the most influential people in 2010 in the field of technology on behalf of technology and human rights.

Mark Zuckerberg

The founder of Facebook is the richest young millionaires who never existed. At young age he became a rich man without wealth inherited from both parents. Former Harvard student this is a big fan of Bill Gates, at a young age he is much more successful than his idol at the time Bill Gates was still young. Thanks to the up he has changed the world and thanks to the wealth that he possesses he became a philanthropist mnegikuti the footsteps of his idol (Bill Gates).

Jack Dorsey

Jack Dorsey is the founder of the microblogging site Twitter. For those of you who feel tweeple you should thank him, because if he did not exist then you can not nge-tweet. With microblogging site called twitter he has made the job of journalism for a variety of events such as political, sporting events, disasters, entertainment, and more easily to the community.

Bill Gates

It is increasingly more mature software nih The World Ruler (Bill Gates). He is the richest man in the world thanks to the software, such as DOS, XP, Vista, 7, and other Windows OS. In fact, she is currently developing Windows 8, which he said the beta version will be released in 2011 and he has penetrated the world of the Internet through Search Engine named Bing. But even though he was a wealthy person but he uses his wealth to the welfare of mankind.

And 6. Google Founders (Lary Page and Sergey Brin)

Lary Page and Sergey Brin, two of them is the King on the Internet. Through search engine called Google, they facilitate the netter to find information with Google. In addition, they allow people to promote with Google Adwords, make money with Google Adsense, bloggers and blogging with the service that is so phenomenal and I can not mention one by one. Even they have been entertaining the world with their acquisition of YouTube that has been well Android phones ready to change the world.

Justin Bieber

Who is not familiar with Justin Bieber? It must know all the right. Surely you believe that he was not a musician seroang Techies but really get into the list of 11 most influential people in technology. The reason is because he has made the Internet that is part of the technology as a means of promotion and positive entertainment. Youtube because he became a world-wide. Even 3% is given to twitter twitter server the Jutin this Bieber. He is influential because it makes a lot of people interested in becoming a great musician through YouTube and social networking.

Lady Gaga

Everyone must know by Lady Gaga. Surely you believe that he was not a musician seroang Techies but really get into the list of 11 most influential people in technology. The reason for Lady Gaga has used the Internet to promote through services like youtube and twitter like Justin Bieber. Even on youtube and twitter Buzzworthy always compete with Justin Bieber to gain influence and fans. Maybe if I think does deserve Buzzworthy called Queen of the Internet 2010 because he was the most popular woman in 2010 via the Internet. :)

Steve Jobs

The Apple CEO has been made in 2010 as the year that excited over the latest Apple product called the iPad after the mid-2010 he has been making people disappointed by problems on the iPhone 4. Given this possibility iPad iPad would be a computer model of the future.

Mitchell Baker

He has made us to surf the internet with a web browser called Mozilla Firefox is able to defeat the dominance of Internet Explorer. With cold hands Mozilla managed to become King of the Web Browser and Mozilla Firefox web browser will probably be that it will be forever by the netter.

10. George Hotz

George Hotz is probably the greatest hacker in the year 2010. He was the first hacker who managed to hack the PS3 operating system and also he managed to hack the iPhone. Lots of communities are popping hack ps3 after he hacked the ps3 which takes a long time, ie 3 years 2 months 11 days. In addition, he never challenged for the actions of Sony sony ps3 firmware update that makes the sony fear.